🛈 Please be informed that we will be undergoing maintenance on 7th June 2024 (Friday), 9PM MYT to 11PM MYT.

Individual Account Registration

Please provide the required details before proceed

 *  I acknowledge the Risk involved with Futures / Securities Trading and I have read and fully understood the Client Agreement and the Risk Disclosure Statement and the risks involved in investing or trading in futures / securities.
 *  I agree to allow Phillip Capital Sdn Bhd and its designated credit reporting agencies, including CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd, to process my/our personal and company data for credit checks, trade references, and related purposes. This consent is provided in accordance with the Credit Reporting Agencies (CRA) Act 2010, Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009, and Personal Data Protection (PDP) Act 2010. I have read and fully understood the Terms & Conditions.
 *  I agree to open a Central Depository System account (CDS account) through Phillip Capital Sdn Bhd for the purpose of trading in securities in Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad and I agree to the CDS Declaration.
 *  I hereby give authorisation and express consent to Bursa Malaysia Depository Sdn Bhd ("Bursa Depository") to disclose my account particulars, securities balances, transactions and/or other securities related information and documents relating to my affair and CDS securities accounts(s) to Phillip Capital Sdn Bhd and my Dealer’s Representative and to such agents, service providers and /or sub-contractors of Phillip Capital Sdn Bhd as informed by Phillip Capital Sdn Bhd to Bursa Depository. The authorisation shall continue to be valid unless revoke by me in writing. I shall hereby release Bursa Depository from any losses and/or liabilities arising from or in connection with this authorisation.
 *  I/We hereby authorize(s) PCSB to credit all proceeds due to me/us on the settlement of any sale order for all or any of my/our shares, stocks or securities at any time, into the Clients' Trust Account held by PCSB on my/our behalf and thereafter I/we agree(s) that such proceeds shall form part of the Available Funds and shall be dealt with in the same manner as all other monies in the Client's Trust Account.
 *  I acknowledge and declare that as an investor of PCSB, I will be auto subscribed to Global Market (GM) and agree with the Term & Condition as stipulated in the Supplemental Terms and Conditions for Phillip Capital Sdn Bhd Global Market ("PCSBGM") and Part III Certification of W-8BEN form attached.